What Does Pillowpacker's Chief Pillow Officer Share With Elon Musk?

March 17, 2021

What Does Pillowpacker's Chief Pillow Officer Share With Elon Musk?

Answer: Unique job titles as you will read below:

On March 15, Tesla Inc. co-founder and CEO Elon Musk took on a new title not yet seen in corporate America: “Technoking of Tesla.” Below is an excerpt from the Wall Street Journal on his title pronouncement:

Mr. Musk’s ascension to his new role came with little explanation beyond two perfunctory sentences filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission to mark the change for himself and Tesla’s finance chief, Zack Kirkhorn. Mr. Kirkhorn’s new title is “Master of Coin,” which he shares with a character from the fantasy world of the HBO show “Game of Thrones.”

Tesla’s boss isn’t the first to experiment with unique job titles for executives as you'll read below:


Garry Logue spent most of his career climbing the corporate ladder, including working as a director of government relations at Bell Canada, a telecommunications giant. The 74-year-old now has taken on a softer job title: chief pillow officer.

“Having been in corporate life, everyone’s ‘chief toilet paper officer,’ things like that,” said Mr. Logue, founder of Ottawa-based Pillowpacker Inflatable Travel Pillows. “I said, ‘I’m going to have some fun with this. It’s my company, I can be whatever we want. I’m going to be the chief pillow officer.’ ”

Mr. Logue has also given his wife, Beth Shepherd, an informal C-suite moniker in the two-person company’s ranks. “I call my wife the chief sleeping officer,” Mr. Logue said. “She doesn’t like that.”


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